How Do I Enrol?
- Phone or email the centre with your enrolment request.
- Child's name, date of birth, contact details are recorded.
- In November of the year before your child is age-appropriate to start, enrolling parents will be invited to attend an information evening. The following Saturday morning the children will have the opportunity to experience a typical ‘Jessie Brown’ session at a ‘Come and try!
- Enrolment packs will be handed out at both of these events. Families have until December 1st to make their session request and return paperwork.
- Confirmation is provided and families invited to a walk through visit in the last week of January school holidays.
- Our main intake is term 1 of each year, then a few fill up places in term 2 and 3. (If your child is age appropriate and you are looking for a midyear start then all communication is over the phone.)
What Are The Fees?
Jessie Brown Pre-Kindergarten receives NO government funding (no rebates) and must meet all expenses from fees. These fees are charged in term blocks and a payment must be received by week 4 of each term to secure your child’s place.
- Am session (9am -12 noon) $53.00
- Pm session (12 noon- 3 pm) $53.00
- Full day (9am – 3pm) $106.00
- Emergency care (8.30am -9am/3.00pm -3.30pm) or lunch care on its own- $10.00
Sessions missed due to illness, hospitlisation and/or specialist appointments can be made up at another time within the term, as long as the centre is notified.